
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Meetings, Training and Stitching

I've not had much time to stitch this week, due to all the meetings and events going on, but I have finished 'Sagittarius Cat' by Margaret Sherry:

I only have one more Astrocat to do (Capricorn) and then the whole Astrocats piece will be finished...  However, I'm going to be stitching on 'Noelle' by Mystic Stitch next week.

Over the last week, I've been to meetings to sort things out for next school year at work, and been on training sessions for work too.  I've also been to various meetings about Guides, and Sammy wants to do her Queen's Guide award, so we had a meeting about that, too... It was a chaotic week, but it flew by!

Have a good week, and Happy Stitching!


Lesleyanne said...

Congrats on your finish. It is very cute.

Ranae said...


socialsue said...

Congratulations, Lynn!!!! Aren't those cats cute!!!!


Bekca said...

What a cute finish, I love this. Happy stitching!

Joysze said...

LOL!! He's adorable!

Julie said...

These little kitts always bring a smile to my face, he's adorable

Great finishes by Sammy in the post below too

Karan said...

Thoroughly enjoyed my catch up. Great framing jobs on your beautiful finishes. I like your UFO rotation & it seems to be working well for you. Good to read that you're enjoying your new job too. :0)